Preparing for success
Pre-course placement, On-course and Exit support screener system for TVET Colleges in South Africa and elsewhere
Private or Public
The TVET College Profiler
The TVET College Profiler is a web-based system currently used by Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges to screen students for Placement (course suitability), on-course and Exit support needs. The screener also identifies student wellness (disability and health), study skills and associated support needs. Added to this is an Alumni Tracker. More screeners are being launched as part of the continuous innovation to meet the sectors need. In locations where the internet speed is slow, one can use the College Profiler “offline”.
In short, the College Profiler can:
Watch: The Student Support System For Colleges-Enjoy
- Screen Students for Course Placement
- Obtain Wellness and Disability Profiles
- Identify Literacy and Numeracy Needs
- Collect Study Information & Skills
And much, much more!
Who Is The College Profiler Aimed At?
Management, student support staff, lecturers and governance bodies use the College Profiler. Students are screened for support needs whilst the system allows the Higher Learning institution to obtain individualised and aggregated data reports. The information will enable all institution levels to have a clearer picture of the individual student’s support needs. At the same time, it creates high-level data for the following groups: College, Campus, Course Category and Course Level. Departments that may benefit include the Marketing Department, Student Support Services, Work Integrated Learning Units, Curriculum Support and overall Management.
- Highly backed and endorsed by other College users
- (Implicitly) recommended by the government, i.e. Department of Higher Education (DHET) in SA
- Underpinned by sound theory
- Developed by professionals
- International and local collaboration with specialists
- Adapted to the specific needs of South Africa and partner countries
- Utilises local norms
- Seen as culture-fair (local and diverse populations)
- Excellent local and international support services
- Rapid response to issues (e.g. bugs)
- Available in multiple formats, including the internet and intranet (offline). Accessible on Cell phones, Tablets, Desktops and Laptops

The Screener System Can Make A Difference at Your College
For the College:
The cost of failure and dropout of a student is a costly affair. Such costs become astronomical when quantified over a college population. Brand damage also ensues for the college. A student may face multiple risks during the study journey. More often and based on research, students often fail a course or drop out due to low levels of literacy and numeracy. There may also be hidden disabilities present. The College Profiler screener system identifies the basic skill levels such as literacy and numeracy requirements for a course.
This minimum requirement screening enables and informs course alignment averting immediate catastrophe due to mismatched and basic skill requirements.
Additionally, the screener collects collateral information through a series of assessments. The 360-degree profile informs college staff about the necessary support requirements. High-level data will let college management see an array of statistics for the entire college, per campus, course, course categories, specific courses and even specific classes or groups of students. The high-level data informs planning and resourcing at a college-wide level or informs a particular intervention. The Colleg Profiler system allows lecturers access, albeit at classroom level only, to interact and study the student data. Lecturer input allows student support to “become everyone’s business”, while the Profiler assessments form part of evidence-based interventions. The TVET College Profiler delivers clear and concise reports. Currently, there are close to 100 TVET College courses loaded on the system. College staff can customise courses and edit as per the college requirements. Outlined below are some additional benefits of the College Profiler system:
For Student Support Management:
Streamlines and aligns the registration process with administration. (Bursary support, additional disability support and accommodations).
Informs government statisticsAssists with the creation of a disabled-student database.
Ensures students are enrolled for the correct course.
Increases retention by assisting in the matching of student skills to course needs.
Streamline and improve the efficiency of screening for support services.
Remote monitoring of service delivery.
For Student Support Officers:
It helps to understand the weaknesses (e.g. literacy) of the student.
It helps to understand the support needs of the student (e.g. an evening study venue).
Signposts appropriate services to the student.
It connects students with support requirements to resources.
Tracks improvement over time.
For Lecturers:
Able to identify students who may need adapted materials.
Able to identify students who require curriculum adaptation.
Assist with the identification of psychological and classroom support needs.
For the Individual Student:
Assistance in Career Choice via career guidance/placement.
Ensures the student has the minimum skills that are sufficient for the applied course.
Receives self-help advice on study skills.
Assistance in applications for disability support.
The basis for the provision of student support counselling.
Provision of the Placement Report – mandatory for access to enrolment.
They Said It Could Not Be Done. Now Distance Screening is Happening in South Africa!
Covid-19: For Safe Pre-Registration Placement Screening
The College Profiler can access via your College Website or Facebook page to screen students remotely. A college can save thousands of hours in administration by testing students remotely. Remote testing of prospective students eliminates the need for on-site social distancing protocols, disinfection headaches, computer lab space constraints and, of course, reduce the workload for overworked staff! Currently, together with online applications, Placement tests are done off-site in many colleges across South Africa.
Can I Use the College Profiler for Any Year Students and How Many Times Can I Use It With A Student?
A College can assess at any year level and may re-assess students multiple times over a period, especially when an intervention has been made in literacy/numeracy support initiatives or improving campus experiences. TheCollege Profiler has a suite of test batteries that can be used in a “buffet” manner.

Which Learning Areas Are Included?
Entry Support:
Financial Information
Course Placement:
Academic Skill: Literacy & numeracy Skill Suitability Aligned to TVET Course Choice Pre-Enrollment
Course Placement Results in Course Pre-Enrollment
On-Course Support:
Wellness Information: Physical health
Wellness Profile: Visible and hidden disability
Wellness Profiler: Mental health
Study Information (Socio -economic, home challenges etc)
Study Skills: Time management, exam preparation, etc
Specific Learning Difficulty: Dyslexia
Exit Support:
Work Readiness
Curriculum Vitae Maker
Alumni Tracking

How Do I Obtain The College Profiler?
For Public or Private TVET College Institutions needing Group Testing Licenses and a Customised System that covers your courses, your logo and staff usernames and passwords:
The Institution Version of the System has Pre-Entry, On-Course and Exit Support Assessments. An Alumni Tracker is also available separately from the primary system. More products are added routinely.
Contact us HERE for more information on the College Profiler.