EARLY YEARSThe Early Years Profiler screens for the foundational skills required for developing literacy and numeracy skills. Finds the learning gap before the formal learning journey starts. Provides instant report.Click HerePRIMARY PROFILERThe Primary Profiler offers caregivers and school institutions the opportunity to screen for literacy and numeracy skills and identifies learning gaps for intervention.Click HereSECONDARY PROFILERThe biggest reason for high school failure and dropout is poor literacy and numeracy skills. The Secondary School Profiler offers school institutions the opportunity to screen for these fundamental skills and identifies learning gaps for intervClick HereCOLLEGE PROFILERThe College Profiler will see if students are ready to undertake a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) course. Easy, efficient and extremely useful for colleges. Institutional Licenses available.Click Here Previous Next