Preparing for success
Screen, Identify and Assess Primary School Learners for Numeracy and Literacy Challenges. Excellent for Remedial Support

Primary School Profiler
The Primary School Profiler is an online literacy and numeracy evaluation system. 1t provides parents and teachers of primary school kids with a clear understanding of underlying individual strengths and weaknesses that inform schoolroom and personal learning. The Primary School Profiler allows parents and teachers to screen for learning abilities.
Who is the Primary School Profiler aimed at?
Primary school children complete the age and learning level appropriate assessment to screen for learning gaps and literacy and numeracy acquisition strengths.
How does it work?
After completing the assessment, an easy-to-read report gets produced—it details what children know or still need to learn via a series of tests. The results can be shared with a co-parent and your child’s educator. Once strides to remedy any learning gaps have been made, a re-assessment is recommended. One can compare the initial report results to the latest one to see whether learning has improved or accelerated

What Difference Will It Make?
The early detection of learning ability and gaps will allow you to highlight these to your child’s school – if need be. It also allows one to apply an appropriate support programme to ensure that the foundations of learning are solid. By identifying areas of urgent support (or enrichment), you can ensure that your child will love learning words and numbers because they are well-trained and familiar with the content (without having to repeat what they already know). This helps provide confidence and motivation, two essential constructs for being a happy learner. This screening and detection exercise will be your early investment into a happy child.
How Many Times Can I Use The Primary Profiler?
The Primary School Profiler can be used as often as you want to ensure that targeted skills are being achieved. Please note that the license fee is applicable forgroup testing from teh date of activation for 6 months. Once you have entered the child’s name, you cannot change it. If you would like to retest a child, you will need to enter their details to resume on their profile. If you have forgotten the username and password, you will need to enter the management dashboard and reset it.

Which learning areas are included?
The Primary School Profiler helps you understand the main areas of your child’s basic literacy and numeracy abilities.
Sounds: The ability to manipulate sounds such as syllables, rhyming and first letters is necessary for building new words and competent literacy skills. Learner Profiler assesses them all.
Spelling: Spelling develops through identifying single letters to spelling words not previously known. The range of tests helps one understand where the child is in developing their spelling skills.
Reading: Reading is about extracting meaning from the written text; it is core to learning and academic advancement. In the Primary Profiler, core basic reading skills are assessed and evaluated.
Vocabulary: Vocabulary plays an integral part in learning to read, particularly in a multilingual community. Readers cannot comprehend what they are reading without knowing what most of the words mean. Learner Profiler has developed a series of tests designed to help understand vocabulary skills in primary school children.
Maths: It is vital to promote basic number concepts and skills (numeracy) in children. Developing these competencies in children and knowing the best learning methods are essential, as these skills are often predictive of children’s future school achievement. In Learner Profiler, we measure the ability and the extent to which skills are learned through timed tests.
Other : Keyboard, memory, visual reasoning, and mental rotation skills are significant predictors for future academics.
Parent: Primary Profiler includes a brief questionnaire for parents to help identify potential learning influences (e.g. reading difficulties) which may have previously gone undetected.